Advanced Diploma In Child Guidance & Counselling Course,New Delhi

National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) is a premier Institute devoted to promotion of voluntary action, research, training and documentation in the overall domain of Women and Child Development. Established in the year 1966 as an autonomous Institution under the Societies Registration Act 1860, the Institute functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, with its Headquarter in New Delhi. In order to cater to region specifi c requirements across the country, the Institute has over a period of time established four Regional Centres at Guwahati (1978), Bangalore (1980), Lucknow (1982) and Indore (2001). Two more Regional Centres at Mohali and Patna would be opened shortly.
The Institute enjoys wide recognition at International level, particularly in South East Asia. Details about the Institute are available on the website www. The Institute is mandated for promoting child development in pursuance of the National Policy for Children. Having the child on its key focus, the Institute's activities encompass a variety of issues relating to mother and child in its most comprehensive and varied form. It holds the responsibility of overseeing training of trainers and functionaries of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), the world's largest child survival programme.
The Institute as a nodal resource agency has been entrusted the responsibility of training and capacity building of functionaries at the regional and national level under ICPS (Integrated Child Protection Scheme). The Institute has also evolved a framework and perspective for organising children's programmes through governmental and voluntary efforts. To meet the aforesaid objectives the Institute conducts research and evaluation studies, organises training programmes, seminars, workshops, conferences and provides documentation & information services in the domains of Public Cooperation and Child Development. It also provides technical advice and consultancy to Government and Voluntary Agencies in promoting and implementing policies and programmes for child development and voluntary action. In addition, it collaborates with Regional and International Agencies, Research/Technical Institutions, Universities and Technical Bodies working in the area of child development.
The Child Development Division of the Institute functions as a policy arm of the government in matters pertaining to the development/welfare of the child and the mother. It runs three fi eld demonstration services, namely, a Child Care Centre, a Child Guidance Centre and Adolescent Guidance Service Centre. In order to spearhead action in the area of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, the Child Development Division has made concerted effort over the recent years. It has set up three Child Guidance Centres at its Regional Centres in Bangalore, Guwahati & Lucknow and an Adolescent Guidance Service Centre at its Headquarters. One of the key thrust areas of the division is to build capacities of organisations working for children & adolescents to integrate counselling & psychosocial interventions within their programmes.