B.Sc (Sports & Exercise Sciences)

Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute was established by Sri Ramachandra Educational and Health T rust in the year 1985 as a private non-profit self-financing institution dedicated to serve the society as a Centre of Excellence with emphasis on medical education, research and healthcare. In view of its academic excellence, the Government of India declared Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute as a Deemed University in September , 1994 under Section 3 of the University Grant s Commission Act, 1956. As notified by the UGC, the nomenclature of the institution has been changed to Sri Ramachandra University from December 2006. The T rust achieved the t ask of est ablishing this Institution as a "Centre of Excellence" under the leadership of Late Shri. N.P .V . Ramasamy Udayar who was the Founder & Managing T rustee of the T rust and also the first Chancellor of the Deemed University .