MBA & PG Diploma Courses In Pondhicherry University,Puducherry

Directorate Of Education,Pondicherry University invites application for admission in MBA & PG Diploma Programs.
Pondicherry University , located in Puducherry, the capital city of the Union Territory of Pondicherry, is one of the fastest growing Central Universities of India. The University spread over 800 acre lush green campus on the sea shore of Bay of Bengal is an ideal place for Academic and Research pursuits. The University has retained its preeminent position in offering various job oriented academic programs and by entering frontier areas of study like green technology, nano technology, bio informatics, etc.
Conscious of its role and responsibilities as a Central University, besides offering innovative on-campus programs, the university, in order to reach out to the students who could not realize their dreams in the on-campus stream, forayed int o the field of Distance Education in the academic year 1995-96. Ever since, Pondicherry University has established a mark of its own in the national map of Distance Education.
The fact that more than 2,00,000 students have enrolled in various Distance mode programs over the years bears testimony to the quality of the programs of the Pondicherry University. The student mix includes those who are already employed and prefer to enhance their academic credentials, those who missed out the privilege of on-campus learning for a variety of reasons, those who don't have access to higher education, and various categories of disadvanta ged groups and segments of the Society.
Students can apply ONLINE or from DDE link in Pondicherry University website. The application form and Information Brochure can be had free of cost from: - The DDE office, Pondicherry University, Puducherry-605 014, in person
or -
By post on request with self addressed Ten Rupees stamped envelope (25x18 cm) addressed to The Director, DDE, Pondicherry University, Puducherry-605014.
or -
can be downloaded from the University web site: While filling and sending the application form, please ensure that : - All the columns including the ID card in the application are filled in correctly - Your address is given clearly and legibly in capital letters with email id and mobile number. - Duly attested passport size photograph is affixed in the space provided for.
Demand Draft for amount specified as in the fee structure, drawn in favor of "The Finance Officer, Pondicherry University, Puducherry", payable at Puducherry
DDE copy of Challan paid in the DDE A/C No.413264239 at Indian Bank, Pondicherry University
Online payment gateway challan of DDE from DDE link in Pondicherry University website w Please write your Name, Course applied for, and the Phone / Mobile number on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.Fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Originals and attested copies of 12 Class (10+2) Mark Sheet. Degree/ Provisional Certificate/ Consolidated Marks Sheet of Degree (Original Certificates will be sent back immediately by speed post by the DDE after verification).