M.Tech Programmes In CDAC,Chennai

VEL TECH Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University signed a MoU with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune. C-DAC is a scientific society of the Ministry of the Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India.
The MoU aims at offering the following unique post graduate and under graduate programmes to meet the ever growing human resource demand in the modern communication, IT & allied industries. Currently the following programmes are being offered.
M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering – 2 years
M.Tech in Information Technology – 2 years
M.Tech in Embedded System Technologies – 2 years
M.Tech in VLSI Design – 2 years
M.Tech in Wireless & Network Security – 2 years
B.Tech.in Computer Science & Engineering – 4 years
B.Tech.in Information Technology – 4 years
Students would be inducted at VelTech in the first year and classes would be conducted at Avadi in the first two semesters learning the fundamentals. In the second year, students would go to Pune to study latest technologies and get hands-on practical training at CDAC, which is famous for its Training and Learning Programmes. The last semester of six months will be totally devoted to project work.
The first batch of M.Tech. programmes was started in the academic year 2009-10 and about 62 students have passed out in the year Jun’11 & another batch of 11 students have passed out in the year Jun’12. Currently there are 21 students undergoing their 4 th semester at CDAC, Pune and there are 23 students undergoing their II semester at VelTech University campus in Chennai.
The curriculum & syllabus of the B.Tech. programmes are designed in such a way that, the Diploma in Advanced Computing (DAC) offered by C-DAC is integrated over the 4 years duration of the programme. This arrangement enables students to earn B.Tech. Certification from the University & DAC certification from the C-DAC, Pune.
Specializations like Grid Computing & Storage Management, Process Control & Instrumentation, Artificial Intelligence Software Engineering are in pipe line to be offered in the forthcoming academic sessions.